Jordan Rassas – Inenco

Head of New Business, Inenco

Jordan Rassas has over 10 years’ experience of helping leading organisations to define the most effective energy procurement strategy and how best to mitigate the impact of rising energy costs. He has held several senior roles with leading consultancies and is now leading Inenco’s new client acquisition. As well as coaching clients in how to think holistically around energy procurement, he is equally passionate about helping them to optimise consumption and chart a path to carbon net zero. 


Content Zone Net Zero Index

Empowering your people to support your Net Zero Transition Plan

Whether you’re just starting out on your net zero journey or looking for support to reach your agreed milestones, having a clear and aligned transition plan supported by your people will be your key to success. 


In this session energy management and sustainability experts Inenco will explore the importance of a robust Net Zero Transition Plan, aligned to your organisation’s vision and strategic direction. Highlighting the pivotal role behavioural change plays and the value of empowering, enabling and educating your people to support your net zero goals. With real life examples and practical insights this spotlight session will showcase the relationship between your plan, data and people in achieving success and truly making a positive impact.