Ruaire Glackin – Utility Aid

Head of Net Zero and Energy, Utility Aid

Ruaire Glackin, Head of Net Zero and Energy Management at Utility Aid, has over 16 years’ experience in reducing energy spend.  Ruaire has previously worked in the specification and installation of  building improvements, and includes calculation on the potential impact projects can have on both energy and carbon in reports.  Having worked for Utility Aid for over 5 years, Ruaire now consults Housing Associations, Nursing Homes, Schools, religious groups and community organisations on the journey to Net Zero, helping them avoid the pitfalls and maximise return on investments.  His opinions on the Net Zero journey have featured in publications for the Charity Finance Group, Pawn Broker Magazine, as well as a podcast for Energy Live News.   Ruaire is a qualified ESOS Lead Assessor, PAS2035 Retrofit Coordinator and Non-domestic energy assessor.  His passion is for maximising energy efficiency in organisations through a Measure, Analyse, Report and Act process.

13:15 - 13:30

Content Zone My Net Zero Job

Discovering Net Zero Remotely... Yes It’s Possible!

Faced with rising energy costs and demands for more sustainable organisations, more and more organisations were reaching out to Utility Aid for help.  The challenge was to provide a service to customers that was both cost effective and informative.  Ruaire developed a service for low to medium users of energy that allowed them to take advantage of expert advice without the traditionally high cost of an on site energy audit.  “Onsite audit costs can quickly escalate when there are long travel times. Our thoughts were to remove the travel cost and try to conduct the audit remotely, using the latest video technology”.  In the initial test phase 10 surveys were conducted, the outcome was positive for all 10 and so we developed the package throughout 2023.  In January 2024 we launched version 3 of our audit which now provides all the necessary information organisations need to make good decisions and also the financial information funding providers were asking for.  In todays talk we will discuss how the survey works, the benefits to organisations and how the Remote Discovery Document needs to be the start of your Net Zero Journey.