Sean Langford – Smartest Energy

Strategic Development Manager, SmartestEnergy

Sean joined SmartestEnergy in 2017 and is responsible for relationship management for a number of our key customers, and the development of new business products and opportunities to meet customer needs.

He specialises in structuring and implementing flexible frameworks with TPIs and customers and hopes to continue to work on exciting framework opportunities, finding solutions for large end consumers in this challenging market.

Having joined the energy industry in 2003, Sean has over 20 years of experience in the energy sector, with 16 years in account manager roles, including at a Big-Six supplier and large end TPI.


Content Zone Net Zero Index

The Changing Landscape of Renewable Electricity for Corporates

Join us as explore the dynamic shifts in the renewable energy market, analyse their implications for corporate sustainability goals, and choosing the optimal path for your journey to Net Zero. Discover how to navigate upcoming changes and secure a sustainable future for your business.