Wendy Cheeseman – NHS

Head of Estates Sustainability, NHS

Wendy Cheeseman is an experienced energy and carbon manager and has worked in both the commercial and public sector for over 20 years on energy and carbon reduction strategies. Wendy has compiled GHG inventories for large and complex organisations as well as small public sector clients. 

Wendy is one of only six energy conscious organisation (EnCO) practitioners globally driving energy reduction through people-led interventions and solutions. 

Wendy's specialism is distilling complex technical guidance in relatable, simple ways to a non-technical audience, including for Government publications. She is a relentless advocate of obtaining quality, granular data to facilitate change. 

Several of Wendy's energy reduction behaviour change projects have won awards such as the UK National Energy Efficiency Award and the prestigious Ashden awards. In addition to her work in December 2023 Wendy won the Net Zero Hero award for achievements over her career. 

She is driven by a passion to do the right thing and infuses all that she does with enthusiasm inspiring others to do the same. 


Content Zone Pathway to Net Zero

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust's Journey To Net Zero

Join Wendy Cheeseman as she explores the challenges and opportunities pursuing the ambitious NHS carbon reduction targets and galvanising a workforce to action.