Vicky Pryce – The Centre for Economics and Business Research
Vicky Pryce is Chief Economic Adviser and a board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) and a Visiting Professor at BCU and King’s College, London.
She was previously Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting , Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service.
Before that she was partner at the accounting and consulting firm KPMG.
She is a Fellow and Council member of the UK Academy of Social Sciences, a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists, a Companion of the British Academy of Management and on the Advisory Group of the Better Statistics CIC.
She is co-founder of GoodCorporation, a company set up to advise on corporate social responsibly, a patron of the charities Pro Bono Economics and Working Chance, a member of the Advisory Board of the central banking think-tank OMFIF and Chair of the Economic Advisory Council of the British Chambers of Commerce.
Her books include: “Green Business, Green Values and Sustainability” (co-ed); Greekonomics: The Euro crisis and Why Politicians Don't Get It”; “It's the Economy, Stupid- Economics for Voters”, with Ross and Urwin; “Redesigning Manufacturing”, with Nielsen and Beverland”; “Women vs Capitalism”; and “How to be a Successful Economist”, with Ross, Birdi and Harwood.
Lecture Theatre Big Zero Lectures
Go Zero To Get Cash
Leading economist and author Vicky Pryce explains why your ESG credibility will soon be vital when it comes to raising investment or even trading. She will guide you through the policy landscape in the short term and why your financial models and forecasts will have to include your ambitions about emissions reduction.