Kisha Couchman – Energy UK

Deputy Director of Policy, Energy UK

Kisha Couchman is a Deputy Director of Policy at Energy UK where she advocates for ways to accelerate the UK’s transition to Net Zero by enabling investment in low-carbon power generation. Kisha works with EUK members and wider stakeholders to develop policy positions and oversees a wide range of topics including security of supply, system operability, electricity market reform, carbon pricing, and planning and environmental standards. Before joining Energy UK, Kisha worked in public affairs and the legal field focusing on the development on energy policy.


Content Zone My Net Zero Job

The crucial role of energy policy in driving the transition to Net Zero

Working on energy policy is essential for advancing the transition to Net Zero. It creates the frameworks that guide the development and implementation of sustainable energy system. By shaping regulations and incentives, energy policy encourages new technologies and mobilises investment, making it easier for businesses and communities to work together to reduce our carbon emissions and achieve our climate goals.