Vijay Chouhan – Virgin Media O2
Vijay has over 20 experience in Energy and has worked in the Telco Sector since 2008.
His team is responsible for Energy Purchasing (Electricity-Forward Hedging/Water/Gas) for over 60k sites & assets (across Fixed and Mobile Networks) including Retail and Corporate sites (and associated metering), Utility Bill Validation, Budgets and Accruals, Environmental Compliance and Internal/Shareholder end to end carbon reporting.
Vijay also supports decarbonisation under the Net Zero Programme - VirginMediaO2 aims to be Net Zero across operations, products and supply chain by 2040.
Content Zone Pathway to Net Zero
Virgin Media O2’s Pathway to Net Zero
Join Vijay Chouhan for an enlightening session as he delves into Virgin Media O2's ambitious journey towards achieving net zero emissions. Discover the innovative strategies, collaborative efforts and transformative technologies propelling Virgin Media O2 towards a sustainable future.