Buy Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits are not the answer to the climate crisis, but they are part of the solution. The reduction of GHG emissions is essential if we are to win the global battle against the climate crisis and achieve Net Zero, but there will inevitably be GHG emissions that we can not remove and will therefore need to offset them through the purchase of verified Carbon Credits.
At, we only procure the highest verified Carbon Credits directly from project owners. All of our Carbon Credits are verified by the UNFCCC CDM, Gold Standard or Verra VCS and are UKGBC compliant.
There are two main types of Carbon Credits available, Carbon Avoidance and Carbon Removal. Carbon Avoidance projects include Renewable Energy (Wind, Solar, Hydro), Energy Efficiency, Deforestation, Cookstoves. Carbon Removal include nature-based projects Afforestation & Reforestation or technology-based projects Direct Air Capture. All of our Carbon credits are Transferable, meaning they can either be retired on purchase, retained for retirement in the future or traded.
Some of our existing clients are realising increased sales, through differentiating themselves in their marketplace by achieving Carbon Neutral certification of their products or services.
Some experts predict that Carbon Credits could increase by 400% by 2030, so future purchasing to mitigate your future emissions is essential to manage the costs of your Net Zero journey. All carbon Credits are transferable and held securely in a UK ETS Registry Account, a government backed bank account for Carbon Credits, managed by the Environmental Agency.
We look forward to seeing you at stand T24 at the Big Net Zero Show.